Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Some people love to judge on everything around them. Just like nothing is good in their eyes, except themselves. I don’t know what make these people feel like they are perfect enough to judge on other.

“Damn, look at how she dressed up. What a disaster.”
“Her hair messed.”
“My goodness, who she thinks she is to stand up there.”
“He’s not qualified enough for me.”
“Your make up make you look like a ghost.”

I believe all of you had experienced this yourself. Someone, somewhere around you must be one of these people that have a “judgment” as their hobby. For me, these kinds of peoples are really annoyed. They talk like they are all perfect but were they? Actually, when they judge on other, that means that person has something that they don’t.
If they judge on how you dressed up, means she wants dressed up like you but she couldn’t. If she says the makeup doesn’t suit you, means you look gorgeous and she envy that. It’s very simple, right. She won’t say such thing if she didn’t feel unsecure of you. She talks like that to make herself feel better.

Well, it’s not easy to deal with this type of person. I have a friend who talking about this kind of stuff from the moment she wake up in the morning until she sleep at the night. My ears get tired of it. Everyone surround us are looking suck for her. While for me, those people she’s talking about just look fine and normal. I once asked her this….

“Why you get so fanatic on other people matters?”

“I’m saying this for their own goods.”

“Are you sure it works that way? Because I don’t see it’s just like what you say.”

“Well, maybe they are the one who can’t accept the truth. They feel they are good enough already, while the truth they’re not. Plus, they are just way too ego to admit what I’m saying were true.”

“Are you good enough to judge them? I’m saying this because the way I see is that some of them are better than you. You have to stop this. You are just making yourself being hate by them.”

When you judge on people, you’ll get nothing but being hate by them. What if they are judging on you. I bet you would feel the same too. Annoyed, uncomfortable and get pissed off that. Everyone has their own way of life.

I like purple but you like green.
I love movie and you love shopping.
I’m good at swimming but you’re good at ice-skating.
I’m allergic to seafood but that’s your favorite food.
I love reading but you hate books.

See?  We have our own life, right. What I love to do, doesn’t mean other should like it too. What I like, maybe it’s not something you would like too. Sometime we could be very different with someone but sometime we’re similar to someone. All we need is to respect each other as long as they don’t get over the line. Everyone have the right to choose what they want to be and which path they rather take.

You might feel the judgment as a positive way to giving an advice to someone. You should know, not all could accept such criticize. If you really want to advice on someone, let it be just between you and her. Don’t do it openly and let other know of it. It would bring shame to her. If you are her, you also don’t want it to be that way.

The best way is that try to accept everyone for who and how they exactly are. That would be better for all. Both her weaknesses and strengths, you accept it honestly. Try to understand them better instead of judge on them. Some people are really hard for you to approach them and get to know them. However, don’t ever assume of things that you yourself not sure about. Get to know them first, then, get to understand them. Everything would be ok.

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